Shrimati Narsamma Hirayya Shaikshanik Trust, Amravati

Shrimati Narsamma Arts, Commerce & Science College

Kiran Nagar, Amravati

Central Instrumentation Cell (CIC)

About Central Instrumentation Cell (CIC):

Our College has established Central Instrumentation Cell (CIC) in the 2015, to facilitate the Research Work among Faculty and Students. The cell is having following Instruments

Sr. No. Instrument Make
1 FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer) Spectra from 630 nm Agilent
2 UV-VIS Spectro-photometer Agilent
3 GC (Gas chromatograph) Agilent
4 Laminar Air Flow Set up Technova Analyticals
5 KBr pallet press machine (15 Ton) Technova Analyticals
6 Programmable Furnace (up to 2000oC and timer slots) Metrex Scientific Instruments
7 1500 x capacity microscope for Electric Dipole Measurements
8 LCR Impedance Analyzer (2 MHz) at Room Temperature characterizations

Instrumentation Facilities available

Cell provides following Instrumentation Facilities and services, with minimum maintenance charges for M. Sc. Projects and Research Work (such as M. Phil., Ph. D., MRPs and other Research Projects)

Instrument Characterization Maintenance Charges Purpose
FTIR Rs.200 For functional group analysis
UV Visible Spectrophotometer Rs.100 To study optical band gap of materials, R. I. of transparent materials, anti oxidant activity
Gas Chromatograph Rs. 300 Identification of Chemical Constituents
Muffle Furnace Model No. MF-14P (up to 1500oC) Depend on sample type For calcinations purpose, to grow single crystals
KBr Press Machine Rs. 50 To make KBr pellet for further characterizations like electrical conductivity, dielectric measurements, magnetic study, etc
Metallurgical Trinacular Microscope with USB Camera Metzer VFM – 9100 Rs. 300 For the study of dipole orientation and to study dipole magnification
LCR Meter Depend on sample type, heat treatments, etc Dielectric constant, dielectric loss, impedance measurement, C-V characterizations, etc
Laminar Air Flow Rs. 300/bacteria To study Antimicrobial activity

Note: All characterization (except Antimicrobial) will be delivered on the same day or within three days. Heat dependent characterizations may require its own time.

Contacts: Phone/Fax: 0721-2540793, e-mail: aubajpeyee@narsammaacsc.org, 8275307659 0721-2540793

Certificate Courses Offered by CIC

It is observed that the Students studying in M. Sc. Programs needs special skills in handling instruments. By considering the need of students, we decided to extend the usefulness of these facilities through Certificate Courses.

These courses will help the awardee as an important support in building their future career.

Course 1] Certificate Course in FTIR: Basics and Handling Skills

Course 2] Certificate Course in UV-VIS Spectrophotometer: Basics and Handling Skills

Duration: 30 Hours (One Week each Course)

Course Fees: Rs. 1,000 (each Course)


Dr. U. S. Khandekar 9422385421 (Department of Industrial Chemistry)

Dr. A. U. Bajpeyee 9422157797 (Department of Physics)