Shrimati Narsamma Hirayya Shaikshanik Trust, Amravati

Shrimati Narsamma Arts, Commerce & Science College

Kiran Nagar, Amravati

Department Of Environment

Enrichment Activities (Co curricular/dept. library, Study Circle, tours etc.)

I) Curricular & Co-curricular

Sr. No. Activity Date/Duration No. of participants / Beneficiaries
1. UG: Educational Tour 17/08/2017 One Day B.Sc. I – 40
2. PG: Educational Tour 31/08/2017 One Day M.Sc. I – 30
3. Workshop on Types of Inflorescence and structure of flower for B.Sc. II Students 01/10/18 165- Students From 11 Colleges
50- Students of Host College
4. Wild life Photo Exhibition And Film Show 04/10/2018 500- Students of Host College

II) Brief Report on each Activity (Use following reference points for brief Report on Activities)

  • Activity : Educational Tour at Melghat Wild Life Sanctury

  • Objectives: To understand the environmental concepts through practical experience.
    To carried out some outdoor experiments.
    To Study wild flora and fauna along with the related ecosystem

  • Date/Duration: 17/08/2017 (One Day)

  • No. of participants/ Beneficiaries: B.Sc. I – 40; M.Sc. 30

  • Outcomes:
    Practical perception about the Forest, Lake and stream ecosystem
    Knowledge about flora and fauna with respect to their surrounding environment.
    Practical vigilance of inter-specific - interrelationship (Mutualism, Parasitism, Predation and, Epiphytes)
    Observations of rocks and minerals
    Observations of causes and consequences of soil erosion and ecological succession

III) Photographs /News Clippings

Floristic survey and Rock Study during the excursion (UG)

Study of Tiger habitat (PG)

Study of Landslide

Vanda (Epiphyte)

Funaria (Briophyte)

Selaginella (Pteridophyte)

Chemical weathering of Rock

Physical weathering of Rock

Soil erosion