Shrimati Narsamma Hirayya Shaikshanik Trust, Amravati

Shrimati Narsamma Arts, Commerce & Science College

Kiran Nagar, Amravati

Department Of History

Extension Activities

Extension Activities (Name/Title of the activity; Area/subject; Target/community benefitted; outcome (To be given in points only)

  • Title : Durmil Dak Tikitanchi Pradarshani

  • Goal: To introduce students Original Historical Source

  • Involvement : Amravati Philatelic Committee Amravati

  • Outcome : Students and Community Peoples understand about Indian

Stamps History and development . Students and the community people understand about Indian postal stamp journey. They also aware about the different areas of development under which the stamps has been printed. The pictorial information on the postal stamps enriches the students and community about the interrelationship between the stamp arrival and the country progress in different fields.